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  Lisez ce texte et faite l'exercice p. 71 du workbook . 


On picture one, the dog is biting the leg. I
suppose the dog is biting because the man is a thief.

On picture 2, there is a bubble where a scream / yell/ shout is written.

I guess a thief is screaming because the dog bit his leg.


On picture 3, I suppose the CIA or the FBI is bursting into the house because the thief stole a golden necklace.


On picture 4 I guess the tomatoes fell on the car because it was a prank / joke/ trick.


On picture one , we can see a dog. It is biting a leg.

I suppose the dog is a police-dog. Maybe it hunts the criminals.


On picture two, we can see a bubble.

Perhaps people are yelling because the dog bit them.


On picture three, we can see the FBI.

I suppose they found the criminal.


On picture four, we can see apples fall on the girl.Maybe they are tomatoes actually.

I guess the girl opened a door and the apples fell.

Voici les 20 nouveaux verbes à apprendre pour la rentrée. Encore une fois, n'oubliez pas de relire les anciens.

1. Drive ==> Drove ==> Conduire
2. Eat ==> Ate ==> Manger
3. Fall ==> Fell ==> Tomber
4. Feel ==> Felt ==> Sentir, ressentir
5. Fight ==> Fought ==> Se battre
6. Find ==> Found ==> Trouver
7. Fly ==> Flew ==> Voler (dans les airs)
8. Forget ==> Forgot ==> Oublier
9. Freeze ==> Froze ==> Geler, se figer
10. Get ==> Got ==> Obtenir
11. Give ==> Gave ==> Donner
12. Go ==> Went ==> Aller
13. Grow ==> Grew ==> Grandir
14. Have ==> Had ==> Avoir
15. Hear ==> Heard ==> Entendre
16. Hide ==> Hid ==> Cacher, se cacher
17. Hit ==> Hit ==> Frapper
18. Hold ==> Held ==> Tenir
19. Hurt ==> Hurt ==> Blesser, se faire mal
20. Keep ==> Kept ==> Garder 

First he went to a party.

Then, he talked to the witch.

Then she said she will turn him into a toad.

Finally, he woke up in the morning .


Voici les dix nouveaux verbes irréguliers à apprendre pour le vendredi 8 avril. Attention, il faut réviser les 10 verbes précédents également:
1. Burn ==> Burnt ==> Brûler
2.Burst ==> Burst ==> Eclater
3. Buy ==> Bought ==> Acheter
4. Catch ==> Caught ==> Attraper
5. Choose ==> Chose ==> Choisir
6. Come ==> Came ==> Venir
7. Cut ==> Cut ==> Couper
8. Do ==> Did ==> Faire
9. Draw ==> Drew ==> Dessiner
10. Drink ==> Drank ==> Boire
Ce vendredi 1er Avril, nous avons commencé l'étude d'un jazz chant. Pour l'écouter, c'est par ici.

La prononciation de la terminaison -ed des verbes réguliers du prétérit :


Pour savoir les prononcer il faut regarder les lettres qui précédent le -ed.

Si avant le -ed on trouve le son /k/, /s/ , /p/ ou /ch/ on prononce ⇒ /t/

Si avant le -ed on trouve le son /t/, /d/ on prononce ⇒ /id/

Si avant le -ed on trouve une voyelle, le son /f/, /s/ ou tout autre cas, on prononce ⇒ /d/

Voici la piste audio pour la réalisation des exercices 1 a et 1 b p. 58 du workbook. Ils concernent la prononciation du -ed.

Bon courage !
Les verbes irréguliers pour ce mardi 29/03/16 (p. 156 du livre Enjoy 5ème):

1. BE  ==> Was /Were ==> être
2. Beat ==> Beat ==> Battre
3. Become ==> Became ==> Devenir
4. Begin ==> Began ==> Commencer
5. Bet ==> Bet ==> Parier
6. Bite ==> Bit ==> Mordre
7. Blow (one's nose)==> Blew ==> Souffler (se moucher)
8. Break ==> Broke ==> Casser
9. Bring ==> Brought ==> Approter
10. Build ==> Built ==> Construire


Whose TV guide is it ?


It's Mira's TV guide.

The TV Guide is Mira's


Golden rule : Whose est un mot interrogatif. Il sert à demander à qui appartient un objet.


Dans la réponse on utilise le génitif : 's. On le place à côté du nom de la personne à qui appartient l'objet.



Mira is fed up because last weekend she watched TV and surfed the web.

Tim is excited because last weekend he bought shoes.

Sandra sounds excited because she went to the new club, the Lion and danced with the DJ.


Golden Rule : Le prétérit sert à parler du passé. Pour le former on met -ed aux verbes réguliers. Pour les verbes irréguliers, il faut les apprendre.


a) A TV guide                                            b)  An advertisement                    c) a receipt     
                                                              for a tennis tournament


  d) a ticket for the Lion club                                e)     a website

In conversation 1 (one), Mira sounds fed up.

In conversation 2 (two), Sandra

sounds excited, whereas Dan

sounds surprised.

In the third conversation, Tim

sounds excited, whereas Betty

sounds sarcastic.

In the fourth conversation, Julia

sounds embarrassed whereas Alice

sounds excited/surprised.

Unit 4 : My crazy story


Final mission : write a newspaper article about a crazy story you experienced in the past. The best ones will be published in Goscinny's newspaper.



Mini-mission  2: phone your friend to talk about what you both did in the week end.



                           Mini mission 1 : Compose a jazz chant


J'apprends à :

-parler d'un événement au passé

-rédiger un article de journal

-parler de mes sentiments

-Dire et demander à qui appartient un objet

-Comprendre de cours articles relatant des faits divers au passé

-Enrichir un récit pour le rendre intéressant

-Composer un jazz chant


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